today i worked in the salon, and daddy worked on a project for mommy.
travis was so sweet and patient and just played by himself
until we were done.
he came out and visited with me and my last client,
and actually said "excuse me mommy"
{instead of interrupting. i love when they randomly use manners in front of people,
it makes me look like such a good mom ;}
so for a special treat, for the sweet boy, i took him to his favorite place!
he gets the biggest cookie, and then "reminds" curt {the owner}
"weemember u gave me oweeo's {oreos} wast time!? dat was so cool..."
how can you say no to that sweet hint of a hint.
so he gets his bag of "oweeo's", talk for a bit and then head home.
i wuv my widdle trav!
{he is such a sweet boy}
*buffalo gal*
p.s. the coffee shop is not only super cool, super yummy, annnnd they were on cupcake wars, AND won ;} but they are in our hood, so we get to walk down there everyday!
yes i'm bragging...so if your a local and haven't been there yet, get your butts down there.