i just had a birthday
{as you all know}
and i just want to honestly, honestly say,
bad economy = awesome gifts!
and i am not joking!
there isn't anything i love more, than a gift that has thought in it.
and 99% of the time
it's gunna cost you less money.
i received so many wonderful gifts for my birthday from my sweet friends
and family, but since i couldn't take pictures of some of them,
here are a few that i could.
*my two new favorite home decor books!
{thanks to my mother-in-law and sweet friend amy ;}
*my awesome milk glass!!!
{from my wonderful husband!}
*and a new "old" book for my vintage book collection!
{carly....your awesome! and a much better person than me...you know what i mean! ;}
click picture to see

so with all of that being said...
i am giving you my,
"birthday challenge"
here are the rules:
1. you have to get a gift for someone under $10
{preferably from a thrift store...you will score more points with me ;}
2. it has to be thoughtful and meaningful to that person
{examples above}
3. it doesn't have to be for a birthday, it can just be a random act of kindness ;}
4. then write to me and tell me why you got "such in such" for "so in so"
and how it made them feel.
{please include detailed description of there reaction, i am a "reaction" giver ;}
5. include a picture of it with your e-mail to me.
6. lastly, see that side bar to the right?...see where it say's "followers"?
add yourself.
{i would like to see who's reading ;}
*of course if your already there, no need to worry ;}
what do you get?
{well, technically you shouldn't "give" anything, to "get" something...}
i will be picking a winner,
it will be something vintage and awesome
{most likely under $10 ;}
from my own personal vintage collection!
it's a win win. you make someone happy, and you feel happy.
and even if you don't get picked, you will still feel good about your
kind, inexpensive gesture ;}
i will give you....
a month.
now go!
p.s. i will read each individual e-mail {none of this "picking at random" crap ;}
*buffalo gal*
e-mail me: