"i'm a picker,i'm a grinner,i'm a lover and i'm a sinner,i play my music in the sun..."



something worth debating...

it's so funny to me how obsessed we are with:
"why Adam Lambert's apperance was cancelled on Jimmy Kimmel"
"Whyyyy Tiger Woods would cheat on his wife"
{who cares!}
or all of the other un-important crap we are being fed on TV today.
if you really want something to talk about/watch/debate/or try to change,
then watch

im not saying "become a vegitarian"
but i do think we should be aware of what we are putting in our mouth,
or more importantly
what we are putting in our children's mouth...
{watch it.}
let me know your thoughts!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I watched this too! I thought it was really good! Similar to Michael Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma, since of course, he was in the movie.

I think its important to think about those things too, because they make a big difference!